
Government Budgeting

BIDS Performance Budgeting System

Based on our experience in delivering budgeting and planning systems to the government sector we have developed the BIDS Performance Budgeting System (BIDS PBS).  BIDS PBS is a sophisticated Budget Management System that enables governments to efficiently manage their budget formulation process through streamlining the preparation, submission, and analysis of policy proposals and the creation of budget papers.


  • Allows departments or agencies to create and submit budget policy proposals including not only financial impacts but also staffing, outcomes, attachments and justification for the proposal.
  • Tracks budget proposals, and controls the proposal review and approval processes including maintaining a complete record of all changes to the proposal.
  • Supports the decision making process of government with an integrated Analysis Workbench and the ability to model different budget scenarios.
  • Manages the refinement of proposals and entry of detailed estimates which culminates in the publication of budget papers and financial reports.

BIDS PBS is designed for government including support for multiple forward years, the ability to publish budget documents and support for both zero-base and incremental budgeting approaches.

The BIDS architecture allows BIDS PBS to be tailored to meet specific government requirements whilst maintaining the benefits of an off-the-shelf solution.  BIDS PBS is designed to be interfaced with other enterprise and legacy applications to form a single integrated financial management system.

For further information, please download the BIDS Performance Budgeting System brochure or contact us for a discussion.

Some of our Government customers include:

  • Commonwealth of Virginia - USA
  • Department of Finance and Deregulation - Commonwealth of Australia
  • Department of Treasury and Finance - State of Victoria, Australia
  • Department of Human Services - State of Victoria, Australia
  • Government of Vanuatu